“I’ve been blown away by the impact this cutting-edge program has had. App-led exercises, combined with powerful coaching from Clive has made for a truly immersive experience.”
Mindset Fitness: Positive Intelligence
8-Week Training Program
Why Mindset Fitness?
When we are not physically fit we can struggle to navigate life’s physical tests and the potential for physical health problems increase. Similarly, when not mentally fit we can struggle to navigate life’s inevitable challenges, and the potential for mental health issues increases. One way we can develop our mental fitness is by training our mindset. How do we do this? The same way we develop our physical fitness - through training. With regular exercise we can build a mindset that in time will serve us by:
Improving peak performance
Encouraging healthier relationships
Limiting the impact of potentially damaging stress
What is Positive
Intelligence (PQ)?
Positive Intelligence (PQ) is the science and practice of developing mastery over our own minds so we can reach our full potential for both happiness and success. At the core of the PQ approach is the concept of mental fitness.
The primary objective of the PQ operating system is to encourage us to claim better control over the often unwieldy steering wheel that is our minds. With improved self-command, we become able to respond to life’s challenges with a more positive rather than negative mindset. With consistent practice, we naturally become more mentally fit.
How does the
program work?
Designed like a mindset fitness boot camp the program gives you practices, motivation, and structure to develop your PQ muscles 15 minutes a day for 6 weeks. The program combines weekly video sessions with daily app-guided practices to boost your 3 core mental fitness muscles. An overview of the program is shown below:
1* 60-minute coach-led onboarding session (prior to the start of the 6-week training).
Supporting PQ score & Saboteur psychometric assessments.
App access including online PQ community support.
6* 30-minute weekly coach-led check-in sessions.
Coach support via a messaging service (what’s app/telegram) and/or e-mail.
1* 60-minute coach-led completion session. (on conclusion of the 6 weeks)
When & Where
will the program
take place?
The training can begin on any week as agreed previously between you and coach Clive Maxheath. The training is delivered via a number of different sources including the PQ smartphone app, online videos, and coach-led check-in sessions held via Zoom video conferencing.
What does a typical
PQ program look like?
See generic PQ timetable below:
How much is the
The investment for this program is £880 when payment is made upfront. The investment is £920 if elected to be spread across 2 transactions as follows: £460 due before the first session & £460 due before the fourth check-in session.
Testimonial - George H.
Where can I find
further information?
Book in for your complimentary 1-hour mental fitness taster session with Clive via the button below:
“Clive is very approachable and I would suggest having a conversation to find out more about the PQ program. I’d be surprised if after doing so you wouldn’t want to progress things further ”
Contact Clive directly on his contact page accessible via the contact button below:
Where can I
find further
Positive Intelligence
A detailed program overview can be found on Positive Intelligence website via the button below:
Watch Shirzad Chamine (Positive Intelligence CEO) introduce PQ and discuss the importance of knowing our inner saboteurs in this popular TED talk: