The MAP - Men's Coaching Service & Mindset Training Service

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I must make time

I understand that sleep is important. I want 8 hours sleep with some down time before, which means I am in bed reading 15 minutes before falling asleep. I must make time here.

I understand exercise is important. I want to train for 1 hour, 5 days per week so with getting ready and a shower afterwards that’s 90 minutes per session. I must make time here.

I understand the importance of good nutrition. I want to cook the majority of my meals with fresh ingredients from scratch. I must make time here.

I understand that personal time and time to myself is important. 1 hour a day is preferable to invest in reading, watching ‘my program’ or a creative endeavour. I must make time here.

I understand that being a parent is important and part of that is being present with my son. I want to be hands on and directly shape him as an individual. I must make time here. 

I understand that hard work in terms of my career when combined with opportunity equates to success. I want to working 8 hours a day minimal (9 with travel), 5 days a week with the odd weekend day when the pressure is on. I must make time here.

I understand that rest is important. Sometimes a nap and sometimes down time after lunch is a human and biological requirement for optimal performance. 30 minutes a day. I must make time here.

I understand that a marriage needs time and investment to stay healthy and nourished. Decent chunks of unspoiled time with my partner 3 times a week. I must make time here.

I understand that family is important, I want to spend quality time with my aging parents, sister, in-laws, niece and nephew at weekends. I must make time here.

I understand that friends are important. I want quality time with my friends sometimes engaging in some form of activity and sometimes just hanging out. I must make time here.

I understand that having a clean and organised home is important. To keep the washing turned around and the place tidy. I must make time here.

I understand that community is important. Volunteering involves part of that including being involved with a local sports team and my son`s school. I must make time here.

I understand that education is important. I want to ensure I’m feeding my mind and growing as a professional. I want to be well informed on the current political picture and what’s going on. I must make time here.

I understand that spirituality is important. To connect with nature and spend time alone in reflection on what it is to be a human being on this earth. I want to regularly meditate, see my coach, and attend my mens group. To be. I must make time here.

I understand that exploring and having new experiences is important. To travel the and see the world and explore different cultures and ways of life. I must make time here.

…I must make time.

…I must make time

…I must make time

The modern life myth I held for many years is that all of this (and more) was possible at once. 

The reality. I can’t ‘make time’. I have what I have. 

I’ve tried. I’ve had a go at having it all, all at once on numerous occasions and I burnt out. 

Failed miserably. 

The maths simply doesn’t add up

I’ve learnt it is far healthier for me to operate with intent in a number of life areas during a particular season and let the others fall away or reduce. 

To maintain boundaries and deploy a ‘no’ or ‘not for now’ where required. 

To leave my propensity to over please and hyper-achieve at the door.

I’ve learnt that everything has it’s seasons and that seasons change. 

I desire a life where I have all my wants listed above. But understand I can’t have all at the same time. 

Being an allrounder. Practicing allroundership and playing long game suits me just fine. 

I mustn’t make time…

I choose to be intentional with the time I have available.

If you’d like to get in touch with me regarding this blog article or want to find out more about my coaching and mental fitness training services contact me directly via the button below: